Last seen: 6 months ago
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, the Synod’s General Rapporteur, speaks to Vatica...
A press conference after the conclusion of the work of the 2nd Session of the 16...
The Final Document of the second session of the Sixteenth Ordinary General Assem...
During the final session of the Assembly of the Synod, His Beatitude Ibrahim Isa...
The Secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America is attending severa...
After “appropriate consultation and assessment,” the Holy See and the People’s R...
As the Synodal Assembly offers prayer for the late Fr. Marcelo Perez, an advocat...
At today's synod press briefing, speakers report that the draft of the Final Doc...
A US special envoy is working to find a definitive resolution to the conflict be...
The Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN in New York, Archbishop Gabriel...
Sister Gracy Thombrakudyil SCN has made it her mission to serve people of variou...
As the Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of St. John Paul II, Cardinal S...
At a UN work session, the Holy See calls for new policies to support the economi...
The Sovereign Order of Malta is providing extensive humanitarian aid and psychol...
The topics of the role of young people and women in the Church were among the ma...
As the Italian government pushes forward with its closed-border policies to stem...
Brother Guy Consolmagno, Director of the Vatican Observatory, highlights our nee...
The fourth Theological-Pastoral Forum of the General Assembly considered new and...
On the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, religious sisters in Mu...
Vatican News speaks to representatives of the UK, US, and German governments abo...